A Catalog of Theatrical Ephemera September 2015
A Catalog of Theatrical Ephemera September 2015 Craig Clinton has just prepared A Catalog of Theatrical Ephemera, including items such as play bills, prints and magazines, covering the following topic categories: Actors, Japanese Theatre Prints, Opera, Play Ephemera, Portraits, Programs/Broadsides, Scenery, Sheet Music, Spectacles, Theatre History, Views, Miscellaneous. This richly illustrated catalog provides a fascinating view into the world of the theater from the eighteenth century to the recent past. For those with an interest in the topic, there is much to look at. The pdf catalog available for download here orders these items chronologically within the topic categories. The items can also be viewed online at www.oldimprints.com. In either format we hope that exploration of this catalog will be both an enjoyable and a worthwhile activity.